An Introduction to Garlic Mustard Best Management Practices, April 2022

Did you know that Garlic Mustard changes the chemistry of soil and threatens Ontario’s biodiversity, economy, and society? Join us for this informative online workshop to learn the knowledge and skills you need to start to manage Garlic Mustard today! This workshop will provide a broad overview of current Best Management Practices for Garlic Mustard. 

Learn together with other dedicated individuals on our interactive virtual learning platform and earn a certificate in Garlic Mustard Best Management Practices from the Ontario Invasive Plant Council!  

Created with input from experts in the field of invasive species management, this course will provide a basic introduction to Garlic Mustard, its biology, ID characteristics, and pathways of spread. Attendees will be introduced to the tools and strategies recommended for the control of Garlic Mustard, and Best Management Practices 

Sign up for the time that fits your schedule!  

  • April 7th, 2022 from 6:00-8:30pm 
  • April 12th, 2022 from 2:00-4:30pm 


Please direct inquiries to Emily Mitchell at  

Are you an OIPC Member? Apply discount code MEMBER to receive $10 off your registration. Not a member? Purchase an OIPC Membership as an add-on for your registration to qualify for the discount. 

Register here