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Creating an Invasive Plant Management Strategy Workshop – Eastern Ontario

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Date(s) - Thursday, February 1 2018
9:00 am - 2:30 pm

Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area, Outdoor Centre

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Creating an Invasive Plant Management Strategy Workshop - Eastern Ontario

*Registration is now open!*

The Ontario Invasive Plant Council, in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority, would like to invite you to attend the “Creating an Invasive Plant Management Strategy workshop” on Thursday February 1st 2018. This workshop has been designed to bring together colleagues from neighbouring municipalities to explore next steps in developing their own strategies to control the many invasive plants impacting eastern Ontario. This workshop will focus on species which impact municipal infrastructure, parks and natural areas.

During this one-day workshop, attendees will learn:

  • What resources exist to help support municipalities in creating invasive plant strategies
  • How Ontario’s Invasive Species Act factors into invasive species management responsibilities
  • What other municipalities have done to create their own invasive plant strategies
  • What mapping and tracking tools exist to help monitor the spread of invasive plant species
  • What actions colleagues from nearby municipalities are taking to help control the spread of invasive plants

Registration for this workshop is now open and can be found here. The cost for this workshop is $15 and includes all resources, refreshments and lunch for attendees.

A draft agenda is available below: